My 15 month old daughter has loved this. Great quality. I love how there are foot holes. She kept trying to walk around in her crib while wearing the traditional sleep sack with no feet holes. Was getting dangerous. This solves that! Also love the weight of this. I don’t worry about her overheating or getting too cold in this. Warmth is just right.
Loving it in the tropics!
We recently ordered two TealBees for our 2 year old. She demands full range of motion with her legs and absolutely hates blankets. She always burritos herself and wakes up frustrated. We live in Hawai’i, and it is far from cold at night. We ordered two 1.2 TOGs and she has slept SO well the last few nights! Her feet are free and those legs can travel the world in her sleep with no fear of a baby burrito. Such a fan and surprised at how comfortable sje is here at night in this warm climate!